Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Some Apps you May Already Use in Grounded Classrooms

Some basics that a lot of teachers use in grounded (classes taught in classrooms) classes as well as in an online environment.

Socrative:   One of the apps that teachers can use to get students engaged in game like activities that also allow a assessment on the fly of how well students understand what you have just been teaching.  There is a free version and a paid version.  The teaching app can be installed to your phone or Chrome. Very easy to use.  I have enjoyed the space race, quizzes, and quick question features.

Kahoot:  It is very easy for the teacher to set up and very easy for the students to access and answer.  It seems lately that Kahoot is more popular among our faculty than Socrative, but they fill a similar purpose of making learning and assessment immediate and fun. [Kahoot is currently offering free use of the pro version for schools going online due to the Novel Coronavirus 3/21]

Quizlet:  This is one I've used for flash cards and find it is both good with class and for individual study.  You can set up a deck of flashcards and assign it to students to drill with.  You can also ask them to create a deck themselves and share it with you and/or classmates.

Quizizz:  This one is one I haven't tried yet but it suggests that unlike Kahoot's emphasis on being fastest and first, this one allows students to move at their own speed rather than competing on time with the class.

Here is a link to a blogger who has reviewed some of these programs and others:


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